Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chloe is the master of contact

On the way to school, Keith Urban's Til Summer Comes Around was playing on the radio and Chloe was asking me why he was sad. I explained that his friend had left and would not be back until summer.

Always helpful, Chloe says "They should send him a postcard. He'd like that"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paint the world with ice cream

We took Chloe to Dairy Queen last night for a bribe, err, reward for improving behavior at school.

With a spoonful of ice cream, she informed me she was going to paint the ceiling with ice cream. I told her that would make everything very sticky. She replied that we could just lick it all off. Yum, lickable world!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chloe has some tattoo suggestions for daddy

This morning Stacey was telling me how he wants to get more tattoo work done.

Chloe piped in with "how about a tiger, Daddy? That would be cool!" She then also suggested he could get a lion, giraffe or a penguin. Very manly, those penguins are.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Racoon mommy

I've started wearing make up again in an attempt to be an adult and a woman... then realized i no longer own makeup remover.

Said chloe this morning: are you going to take that black off your eyes or what?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Honey, those are for the ladies

Riding in the car this morning, Stacey was talking about working out and getting bigger muscles. He's been working out for the past year and is in great shape. Really, it puts me to shame.

I joked he should work out his penis. He informed me that he does and called it the wrong word for kegel.

I laughed that those are KEGELS and are for women. He told me "well, it feels good". Do what makes you happy honey.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Undercover storyteller

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon switching over Chloe's closet and having her try on things to see what still fits.

Chloe and Benjamin played in the room and I looked up to find them both under her comforter while she told him stories about Prince Ben, ogres, mommy and daddy and other fun things. At just the right moments, Ben would an an emphatic "YEAH!" to the store.

I took a video of one of these sessions and will try to get it up sometime this week.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chloe the theologian

Last week Chloe explained the story of Jesus' crucifixion to me at bedtime. I was surprised how much she seemed to get it. Very cool and humbling.

Today we drove by a church and she says to me, "Jesus died on the cross. That's why the cross is up there; so you KNOW". I'm not quite sure what she meant but it made me giggle.