Friday, June 27, 2008

Priorities for my upcoming vacation

I'm pretty stoked. We're going to the Lake next Wednesday, but will be doing some fun things here in St Louis before then. The things include:

St Louis Zoo - free and the super awesome Dinosaurus exhibit is free if you get there between 8-9am. This is one time it's nice that our kids get us up before 6am

City Museum - pricey but so worth it. I really want to try the three story slide this time. At the City M, Chloe is 2 (mum's the word)

Grant's Farm - where else can you ride a tram, pet a goat, and get free AB beers? It's free but parking is $10 (they're pretty slick, huh?)

Otherwise, I'd really just like to have a nice relaxing week. I also want to make it a point to take lots of pictures of the kids.

Jessica, our new nanny will be moving in over the weekend and it will be nice to have some new energy in the house. We will miss Rebekah though.

I'm also picking up the huge meat order we're buying with part of the insurance money (Stacey has his equipment bag stolen on the road). I'm just hoping a half hog and hind quarter of beef fit in my deep freeze.

Otherwise, BBQ anyone?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

On a happier note

Certified Professional Midwives are now free to legally deliver babies in the state of Missouri!!!

Midwifery legal in Missouri

Midwives brace for future battle

Raising your spirited child - Ch 1 & 2

spirited children are normal children who are more


Sensitivity - to noise, smell, light, sound, textures, changes in mood (in others)
Perceptiveness - notice everything, everything distracts
Adaptability - uncomfortable with change

Lesser characteristics:

Regularity - impossible to get on schedule
First Reaction - need to warm up to new things, places, people
Mood - serious, analytical

Creed for parents of spirited children
1. You are not alone
2. You did not make your child spirited
3. You are not powerless
4. You have permission to take care of yourself
5. You may celebrate and enjoy the delights of your spirited child

Be careful when labeling - see positive aspects of challenging traits and help others to do the same

The low down on my low down sister

The latest and greatest...

My mom found out that Amanda not only is going to court for drug possession charges, but will likely be going to court for writing bad checks. How many bad checks do you have to write before you actually go to court for it?

Michael went over to her old (mobile) home to retrieve the kid's things. He found cockroaches everywhere and sh*t and p*ss on William's highchair. Seriously, ours gets gummed up with food but human waste?

It's amazing her kids aren't psychopaths.

My mom is now on the path of taking the kids permanently. My sister is apparently too stupid, drugged up or emotionally void to care for her offspring. Stacey, the kids and I are going down there next week and hopefully we can come up with some sort of plan. We have offered to take January, who is 5, for the rest of the summer.

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My hunka hunka burning love

Seriously, how can you not love this boy? Not only is he beautiful, but he has the most incredible spirit I've ever encountered. He's had a bit of a cold, but as soon as I picked up my camera, he perked up, posed and smiled for me.

My lovely friend Michelle made him an amber teething necklace. Amber is supposed to have anti-inflammatory qualities and aid in healing the mouth and throat. It doesn't provide instant relief, but once it starts working, provides continual comfort. Plus, it makes him look like a rock star.

Raising your spirited child - Greetings

I'm so glad I found this book. I really hope it will help me be a better and more patient mother for Chloe. She really is a wonderful gem.

Spirited, not difficult

these children are MORE; more intense, sensitive, persistent, perceptive - traits we value in adulthood

progress, not perfection