Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Chloe's party has taken on a life of it's own

In our house, birthdays really aren't big deal. We're having a party for Chloe, but it's a no gifts deal where we have people over just to hang out. Heck, we spent less than $40 for Chloe's gifts ourselves and this is the first year we've actually bought her anything for her birthday.

Well, we invited our friends and most of them can come (yeah!). Then Stacey invited some people from work, then I did and now our guest list is up to about 30 people total. I guess I'll need to buy more buns now.

After two weekends of gorgeous 75f weather, this weekend is supposed to be cloudy and under 50f. Oh well, at least it's not supposed to snow (I hope I didn't just jinx myself).

Just for fun, here are some pictures of the last big party we had for Chloe when she turned two.


Andrea P. said...

Oh boy - how I know the feeling! That's why this year we just went out to dinner as a family for Ty's birthday. Good luck!

Amy Jane said...


Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog. I like yours! Any friend of Amber's is a friend of mine.


Amber said...

Aww, look at our babies!

Anonymous said...

Look I see a Chelle, an Amber, and a Christine in those pictures!! Zara is adorable!! I can't believe how much these kiddos have grown up in a year!!